Honda is developing a very unique piece of technology which is able to minimise traffic jams. The Japanese car giants have not experienced high sales like some rivals recently but that has not stopped them from commencing this ground breaking project.
Detecting driving patterns
Typically motorists are now able to anticipate high level of traffic through their satellite navigation system and follow alternative routes. Honda's method of allowing drivers to avoid traffic differs somewhat. In essence Honda's traffic system is able to detect whether a person's driving will cause traffic. From here there will be warning signals, with the driver being encouraged to drive in a different in order to prevent traffic jams, keeping cars moving around them.
The problem with traffic
Sitting in traffic is a frustrating activity for any motorists. It is even more frustrating when there appears to be no major reason for it, such as road works. This occurs more often than not for most drivers. In effect time is being wasted as well as fuel. Naturally the environment is further damaged with a start stop culture within the cars, as more emissions are wasted. The chances of an accident are also increased, with rear end collisions appearing more likely.
Studies from the university of ExeterDetecting driving patterns
Typically motorists are now able to anticipate high level of traffic through their satellite navigation system and follow alternative routes. Honda's method of allowing drivers to avoid traffic differs somewhat. In essence Honda's traffic system is able to detect whether a person's driving will cause traffic. From here there will be warning signals, with the driver being encouraged to drive in a different in order to prevent traffic jams, keeping cars moving around them.
The problem with traffic
Sitting in traffic is a frustrating activity for any motorists. It is even more frustrating when there appears to be no major reason for it, such as road works. This occurs more often than not for most drivers. In effect time is being wasted as well as fuel. Naturally the environment is further damaged with a start stop culture within the cars, as more emissions are wasted. The chances of an accident are also increased, with rear end collisions appearing more likely.
But will Honda's traffic system really make a difference? What justifies them making this particular type of system? The University Of Exeter conducted a study back in 2007, regarding why traffic occurs. Their results found that traffic jams did not occur simply due to a mass over congestion on the road. The studies found that they occurred because of drivers slowing down which naturally forced drivers behind to slow down. This means that there will be a type of chain reaction, meaning drivers drive much slower eventually leading a complete standstill. Honda's system has complemented these studies perfectly. It helps drivers speed up when needed ensuring that they are never driving a pace that is slower than required.
A world's first
Honda's system will be a world first. No other system currently detects driving patterns in order to prevent traffic jams. The way the driver speeds up and brakes are closely monitored. Using a special type of intelligence, if the pattern is deemed to potentially create traffic, warning signals will be sent to the driver through a driving colour coded display.
Honda's cloud connectivity
Honda's system will connect the system to cloud servers which works together with Honda's Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system. Adaptive Cruise Control automatically syncs with other car's speed further down the road. This helps to keep a safe distance between the vehicles at all times.
Testing has already begun for Honda's traffic system. It was completed in partnership the Research Centre for Advanced Science and Technology Department with the University Of Tokyo. Without Honda's Adaptive Cruise Control system gave positive results. The average speed of vehicles was increased by 7 per cent. Fuel efficiency was improved by 3 per cent. However adding Honda's cloud technology and Adaptive Cruise Control System increased the vehicles speed by 23 per cent and an 8 per cent increase for fuel efficiency.
There have not been any real environment road tests as of yet. Honda are planning to conduct real life road tests at some point during the year. The tests are believed to be conducted in Italy, May and Indonesia.
Will this make a difference? It will need to be installed within a great number of vehicles in order for it to make a real impact on our roads. Honda's technology has great potential and a wonderful concept. In an ideal world we will see such technology within our vehicles in the near future.
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